Welcome back Spirit Magicians to this special container for our Spirit Magic Continuum. Let’s peek behind the veil once again and choose a new door to adventure.
I am so deeply proud of you and smiling so big here. Congratulations!
You have dedicated yourself to building diverse, creative healing Teams and acquired the skills and wisdom to utilise them to heal yourself and others using the Spirit Magic tool kit.
Join me in the Spirit Magic Continuum to complete your foundational Spirit Magic education by building the final Spirit Magic Teams of this level, and learn essential tools to round out your ability to meet the diversity of circumstances life presents you with.
These tools are part of the fundamental Spirit Magic library but with the intensity of our year long program could not be included. They are too precious to leave out.
This program is for you if you:
✦ Loved Spirit Magic and long for more learning, fun, community and personal evolution.
✦ Want to be fully equipped for all life brings you as a Spirit Magician.
✦ Seek to serve your own healing, your loved ones and community with the full range of tools and Teams available at this level.
You have created your incredible, evolutionary Spirit teams, now we will explore new tools and ways of using these sophisticated teams in leading edge ways in your life.
CB | Melbourne, Australia
“Myree’s ability and gifts in transferring knowledge and experience of communing with spirit beings are profound. And her generosity in sharing this with others is boundless.”
Jeffers | Melbourne, Australia
“Myree holds a universal space on the Earth in extraordinary ways to bolster and fine-tune our innate abilities to connect to higher realms. Expect major life changes and directions as the world awakens in diverse, positive ways. Each of us has a job to do to shift the planet’s energies, and Myree has been instrumental in shining light on our respective life paths.”
✦ Building a specialized Brain Team which is designed to support the wellbeing, resilience and ability to rapidly recover your brain and nervous system. I use this on myself and clients and it is a fabulous complement to the Trauma Reversal process. Trauma can often cause our brains to delink and this leads to essential connections in the brain dropping out and causing a variety of symptoms such as anxiety, depression, inability to focus, exhaustion, memory loss and much more. This Team is specifically tailored and curated to support the pressure our brains are under in modern life.
You can use this Team on yourself, loved ones and your clients.
In Spirit Magic Apprenticeship, we go even further with this Team to learn specific brain trauma protocols and processes.
✦ Build a Spirit Magic Animal Team. This is a Team that is both a healing super power for working with and supporting your animals, and they also give great, straightforward advice for you in your life too. Plus Animal Teams are funny and joyous! They don't have the complicatedness we humans often suffer from so they are a very refreshing Team to have.
You can use this Team to heal any animal, especially your domestic animals and wildlife. Our animals can take on so much human pain and suffer from their own physical, emotional and energetic struggles and sometimes trauma too. Your Animal Team will collaborate to bring specialist care to the animals you support in your life and those that come to you for love and support. This Team also does the beautiful end of life care and transition when it is time for your beloved furry one to depart. I also call on this Team when I find wildlife in distress or injured. I send them whenever I witness an animal sadly killed on the road. They are experts in singing souls home and other earthy, spiritual skills that they taught to the first shamans long ago.
✦ Manifesting Skills and Tools: Who wouldn't love manifesting tools and co-creating with your Spirit Teams? You will learn specialized ways of manifesting with your Spirit Teams to become a true manifesting Queen! In this class I will be sharing tips, tricks and tools I use to manifest my dreams and intentions with Spirit. You are here reading this because joining me on this Spirit Magic adventure was aligned with my deepest dreaming.
One day I will offer an entire Spirit Magic Manifesting program so we can be manifesting rockstars together!!
✦ How to Utilize Group Fields: How to create and operate group fields for any circumstance you are involved in. Group fields can be set up to support and hold the family system - your partner, children, pets, in a loving wholeness and relieve the pressure and intensity that often falls upon a woman to carry due to the power of her aura and the role of being a partner and/or mother.
You can also use these Spirit Magic group fields to teach groups, in your workplace, in your business and wherever needed to advance and elevate any group situation you are facilitating.
You have experienced the way my Spirit Magic group fields hold you throughout the course, how they are a treasure trove of love, warmth, healing, soothing and grounding and elevation all at the same time and more. Spirit Magic group fields allow you to hold and manage group space like a conductor of an orchestra while the Teams move the atmosphere, feelings, energy and experience of the group field in the most ideal ways to support the group experience.
This is a beautiful offering in this program and one I treasure in my own life. I could not hold such a meaningful and moving space without these tools.
This course has a very simple structure:
Four 2.5 hour classes, one class per month over the months of November and December 2022 and then February and March 2023. There are no dyads or triads, so no extra time is required in your life except for this one class each month. You are welcome to organize your own practice sessions to play with your Teams and tools together to develop your learning, though this is in no way required.
This program is purely a learning, healing and community experience where I deliver exceptional and unique tools and Teams to support you to continue to transform and empower your life and those you love.
It will be held again in a private Spirit Magic Continuum community only for those who join this program.
Your class recordings and handouts will be available for you on your own Kajabi course portal page for your enduring learning.
Vindya | Melbourne, Australia
“This course is very empowering as a healer. Myree's guidance definitely increased my confidence level with the tools.”
and ability to guide yourself through life with the resources to face any life challenge and unfold your biggest dreams.
Myree and her Spirit Teams are joyously awaiting to take your Spirit Magic experience to the next level!
Important: Course Dates
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