Kundalini can be a real ass-kicker. She stretches your comfort zone, excavates your lingering trauma scars and shakes you awake to your true calling.
How do you go through a Kundalini awakening and simultaneously live a balanced, functional and enjoyable life?
A perfected roadmap by someone who's been there.
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Welcome to Kickass Kundalini by Myree Morsi, the leading expert in modern awakening.
Learn how to dance between the worlds of personal awakening and modern, everyday life with the support of an expert teacher who has successfully guided 1,000s through their journeys.
⟡ You’re struggling to feel safe, stable and functional.
⟡ Trauma and personal history are taking over your thoughts faster and more powerfully than you can cope with, process or make sense of.
⟡ It feels like an overwhelming, foreign presence is taking over your body or life.
⟡ You cannot find the energy to manage your everyday commitments.
⟡ You’re trying but struggling to make sense of each phase of this profound journey.
⟡ You feel alone, longing for a fun, loving, safe community of people on the Kundalini awakening path as well.
⟡ You wish you could get advice, support and comfort from your community.
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These signs of a Kundalini awakening are normal.
But Kundalini awakening expert, Myree Morsi, will show you how to move through them in less time and with more reward!

The Kickass Kundalini Self-Care Guidebook
⟡ Align your self-care for a functional Kundalini awakening
⟡ 23 pages of unexpected, overlooked advice that will catalyze your sustainable awakening
⟡ 10 years' worth of proven tools, tips & strategies for a smoother, more enjoyable (& faster!) awakening

26+ Hours of Deep-Dive Videos
⟡ 4 pre-recorded classes, 2+ hours each
⟡ 9 guided meditations for each awakening step
⟡ 5 bonus videos, 1+ hour each: Sensitivity, Trauma, Energy Blocks, Sleep & insomnia, & Your Relationship with Kundalini
⟡ Extra videos & audios: tips & tools for awakening & self-care
⟡ We're an approved short course by AHHCA

Extra Loving Support
⟡ UNLIMITED live monthly group coaching classes with Myree for the lifetime of the program (2+ hours each, includes opportunities for 1-1 spotlight coaching)
⟡ Private Facebook group with Q+A livestreams with Myree
⟡ Access to the Coaching Call video library with videos added monthly
⟡ Access to all class recordings
⟡ This course is affiliated with Myree's learning platform, the Soul Path Institute

Anna | Norway
"It's so rewarding working with Myree. I've seen other spiritual teachers, and I'm trained as a professional therapist to help people through their awakening experience.
Myree is the first one I've met that has this special blend of deep wisdom and knowledge about the awakening processes.She's a gifted healer, intuitive and highly sensitive working in a gentle feminine, practical manner. Her warmth and personality make it easy to trust her and feel safe with her.She works in a conscious and practical way with all the emotional cleansing that often comes up during an awakening. This understanding I often find to be lacking by other teachers/guides out there."

Begin Kickass Kundalini

I know from personal experience how challenging riding the waves of your awakening can be... It’s a process that can take time to fully integrate
Which is why I’m lovingly gifting you a never-seen-before offering of unlimited (yes, unlimited!) monthly support from me for the lifetime of the Kickass Kundalini program.
For your one-time investment of $597, you can join me every single month for group & spotlight coaching for as long as you need it (and as long as the program is running).
I’m so excited to share this generous gift with you – the likes of which you’ll be hard-pressed to find elsewhere!
= $345 per session /
$ 4140 per year
⟡ *UNLIMITED monthly live group coaching sessions with Myree for the lifetime of the program
⟡ Spotlight coaching in live classes
⟡ Opportunities for 1-1 spotlight coaching
⟡ Continued access to Myree’s life-changing
guidance for your awakening
= $597 USD
(or 2-4 affordable payments)


Rikke, Denmark

Alex, England
I now see and work with Kundalini as a friend and want to help her rather than fight her.
This course is incredibly valuable to anyone finding the process of awakening challenging."

Jessica, Kentucky, USA

Kalia, California, USA

Ester, Perth, Australia
Without an expert guide, the progression of awakening can cause feelings of confusion or even fear.
Myree will help you understand the phases of your Kundalini awakening, what the progression of awakening looks like and how to utilise the expansion of consciousness Kundalini brings as she advances.
You will learn how to support yourself through Kundalini healing crises and build your own urgent care toolkit.
This way, you will remain open to integrating the blessings of your awakening: bliss, joy, contentment, satisfaction, freedom and the truth of who you are.
Understanding your awakening will help you experience your own radiant nature and pure awareness.
"Myree offers a rare combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skill with profound love and compassion."
- DS, Melbourne, Australia
How do you go to work, care for your body, raise children, manage Kundalini symptoms and be in relationships while in the midst of a profound internal transformation?
Kickass Kundalini is designed for your sustainable growth while you continue to participate in the world.
Myree infuses every teaching with the perfect blend of clarifying information and practical exercises.
Instead of choosing between your deep awakening or your everyday life and responsibilities, Myree’s functional awakening process allows you to participate in your whole life deeply.
Kickass Kundalini supports you to function well in the everyday world while you undergo deep transformation.

Elizabeth | California, USA
"I experienced an unexpected, uninvited, unprepared for Kundalini awakening a year ago. Before discovering Myree, I went through 8 other energy practitioners and 10 months of excruciating, unrelenting headaches. Life had become totally unmanageable. I had reached the point where I simply could not function.
Since working with Myree, the headaches have STOPPED and have not returned. I have made more progress in 3-1/2 months of working with Myree than in 10 years of traditional therapy.
For the first time (in a very long time), I have hope and am secure in the knowledge that everything is going to be alright!"
If support is hard to access due to your life circumstances, we warmly encourage you to apply.
Myree is committed to supporting social change and bringing healing to people who historically don't have easy access, so priority is given to BIPOC folks.
However, we welcome all who need extra support to apply.
Apply HereIs Myree Morsi a licensed therapist?
Can I participate while remaining anonymous?
Are there prerequisites?
When are the live classes?
Will this course help me carry on in my everyday life?
What happens in the live classes?
What if I can't attend the live classes?
*What does unlimited live classes mean?
What if I have specific questions about my personal awakening? Can I connect with Myree during the course?
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